One Hundred Relics relics

CompressorDeprecatedBlueOnce per combat, Channel 1Plasma when ending your turn with 2 or more unspent energy..
Doom HornDeprecatedRight-click to activate. Once per combat, EVERYONE loses 0 Strength temporarily.Nothing is immune to its sound.
Energy SuperbrewDeprecatedWhen obtained, brew 3 Energy Potions.Brimming with energy.
Flintlock PistolDeprecatedAt the start of combat, Gain -1 Vigor. Increase this number each time you skip a card reward.Gather primer, black powder, bullet, patch, patch lube, flint and ramrod, and fire. Easy.
Golden CardDeprecatedAdds a card reward to room.There's never too many options.
Hand MirrorDeprecatedPlayed Power cards will add a copy to your discard pile 50% of the time.Who's that handsome Devil Form?
HarpoonDeprecatedRight-click to activate. Once per combat, add a card from your draw pile to your hand.Aim. Throw. Profit.
Lucky FingerDeprecatedChance to brew a random potion on potion use.Probably not so lucky for him...
Mark of the WatcherDeprecatedPurpleAt the start of your turn, Scry1.Have I been here before?
Message In A BottleDeprecatedAt the end of your first turn, you do not lose Block.It says I'm in danger.
Phoenix FeatherDeprecatedWhen you would die, heal to 100% of your max HP instead (works once).Plume of an immortal bird.
RubyDeprecatedUpon pickup, Gain 200Gold.Looks quite valuable.
SapphireDeprecatedUpon pickup, Gain 100Gold.Looks slightly valuable.
ScissorsDeprecatedUpon pickup, remove a card from your deck.Made with one intention in mind.
Seed PouchDeprecatedRight-click to activate. Each Event Room has a 50% chance to give you a Seed. At a Rest-site, you can consume all Seeds to increase max HP by that number. Usable only once.I can grow something with these.
Soul ChaliceDeprecatedUsing a potion increases your max HP by 2.Pour. Swirl. Serve and Empty.
Spare ChangeDeprecatedWhen you enter a shop, gain 50Gold.Coins in a pocket you didn't even know you had.
Stick o' DynamiteDeprecatedBlueAt the start of combat, deal 2 damage to a random enemy.Where do these keep appearing from?
Throwing AxeDeprecatedDeal 1 damage to a random enemy when you play an attack.Catch!
ToastDeprecatedRight-click to activate. Heal 15% of missing HP.You're toast.
Treasure MapDeprecatedFollow it and you will be rewarded.
Tuft of HairDeprecatedGain 1 Energy when you use a potion.Instructions. Add one to each potion before consumption.
Turtle ShellDeprecatedStart each combat with no energy. Gain 1 Energy each turn.It's intimidated at first but quite friendly!
Wheel of CheeseDeprecatedDraw 1 card whenever you shuffle your draw pile.It won't stop spinning.
Armed CoreCommonBlueAt the end of turn 3, deal 15 damage to ALL enemies.Doesn't look very stable... Let's install it!
Bat's WingCommonGain 1Dexterity when you use a potion.An alchemical ingredient.
Bone ClawCommonWhenever an enemy dies, gain 2Strength.It moves everytime something dies.
DefenderCommonThe first time you lose HP from an attack, reduce enemy's Strength by 1.A blade breaking dagger.
Fishing HookCommonRight-click to activate. Once per combat, choose up to 3 cards in your hand and Exhaust them.Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Give a man a hook and he filters his deck.
Gold PaintCommonGain 10Gold when skipping a card reward.Makes things legal tender.
Hunter's HatCommonGain 3Block for the first 3 turns.Cozy little thing.
Ice CubeCommonDraw an additional card every turn until you shuffle your draw pile.There's no eyeball in this one.
Modern Coffee SetCommonWhen you enter a RestSite, start the next combat with 2Strength and Dexterity.The key to an invigorating morning.
Money Bag (with hole)CommonAt the end of combat gain 15 Gold, reduced by 5 each time your draw pile is shuffled.The merchant is following me around now.
Packed LunchCommonHeal 4 HP when you enter an Event Room.Mom packed us lunch for the Spire.
Poison JarCommonGreenAt the start of combat, apply 2Poison to a random enemy. Repeat this effect for each card reward skipped.I never have a fair fight.
Ring Of SchemesCommonCharge 1. When applying a debuff to an enemy, draw a card and lose a Charge. Gain 1 Charge when entering an Event Room.Torture requires art.
Ring Of WrathCommonCharge 0. If you do not play any Skills on your turn, gain 1Strength and lose a Charge. Gain 1Charge when defeating a Boss.It looks angry, literally.
Ring of EntropyCommonCharge 6. When you play 3Skills in the same turn, your next Attack gains damage equal to Charge. Once per combat, gain 1 Charge when you play a Power.Balance, then order.
Rusty PlateCommonAt the start of combat, gain -1PlatedArmor or Metallicize if fully repaired. Smithing at a RestSite repairs this Relic by 1 (3 times max).Perhaps it can be repaired.
Steel BootCommonRedAt the start of combat, deal 6 damage to ALL enemies.Stomp. Tap. Stomp. Tap. Stomp.
Tome of ConfusionCommonAt the end of your turn, either deal 3 damage to a random enemy or gain 2 Block.All it's writings are backwards and upside down.
Air FreshenerUncommonStart each combat with all of your Curses in your discard pile.Every room starts to smell good with this.
Blank ScrollUncommonPurpleRight-click to activate. Once per combat, exit your Stance.There's always a path to emptiness.
Bounty ListUncommonElite enemies drop an additional 75Gold.On the hunt.
BracerUncommonStart each combat with 1Dexterity for every 5Attacks in your deck.Are these supposed to help me fight?
Chain ShotUncommonAttacks with cost 2 or higher apply 1Weak.O~~~~O
Fermenting JugUncommonGain a random potion when resting.Does its magic while I wait.
Gold ScarabUncommonGain 35Gold when you lose HP during an Event.Blood for gold, gold for power.
Gremlin PawUncommonStart Elite encounters with 1Buffer. Start Boss encounters with 2Buffer.Count your blessings.
KatanaUncommonThe first Attack you play each combat is free.The first strike determines the course of the battle.
LetterUncommonEvery time you play 3Attacks in a single turn, your first Attack next turn deals 3 additional damage.If only I had a letter opener.
Odd OctopusUncommonGreenAt the start of your turn, if the turn number is odd, draw an additional card.It can't even.
Poor Man's ShieldUncommonIf you end your turn with Block, gain 2Block.It's just barely better than nothing.
RapierUncommonApply 3Weak to the first blocked enemy.Try me.
ReelUncommonRight-click to activate. Once per combat, add a card from your discard pile to your hand.Something's biting.
Ring of FrostUncommonCharge -1. Right-click to activate, gain Block equal to Charge. Gain 2Charge when defeating an enemy or 5 for an Elite. Double Charge when defeating an Boss. Usable only once.Frozen tight on your finger.
SausagesUncommonAt the end of combat, heal HP equal to the number of skipped card rewards.There's always a little something...
SickleUncommonThe first time a card is Exhausted from your hand each turn, gain [E] .Reap what you sow.
Toy RobotUncommonBlueGain 1Artifact at the start of combat. At the start of your turn, if you have Artifact, deal 4 damage to a random enemy.Beep, Boop. I am a Robot.
Vial of WaterUncommonAt the start of combat, consume 1 dose and gain 1Strength and Dexterity. Gain 1 dose when entering an Event or a RestSite.It's just a plastic water bottle.
Wyvern SkullUncommonRedWhen your HP is at or below 50%, you have 2 additional Dexterity.Terrifying remains of a terrifying creature.
Amber BeetleRareRight-click to activate. Remove a card from your deck once (outside combat rooms).This little guy looks hungry.
Amber ButterflyRareRight-click to activate. Add another copy of the last card added to your deck once (outside combat rooms).It's moving. But how?
Ancient EyeRarePurpleAt the start of your turn before you draw, Upgrade all cards in your hand.It sees all that remained.
Black HammerRareUpgrade another random card when you Smith (Max 3 times).Clink. Clank. Clunk.
Curse BinderRareStart combat with Dexterity equal to the number of Curses in your deck.All the worst cards in mint condition.
Cursed VesselRareWhenever you obtain a Curse, gain a potion slot.It absorbs the essence of curses and grows.
Eye of NewtRareEvery 3rd potion you use is kept instead.It seems to be looking at me. Used in Herblore (3).
Monster MashRareHeal 1 HP when you defeat an enemy.The wriggling remains of my foes plus a pinch of salt.
NewspaperRareDraw a card when a card with Exhaust is played.It's already out of date.
PeltRareGain 4 Max HP when Resting at a Rest Site.An alternative to the cold hard floor.
Plated GlovesRareRedEvery time you play 3Attacks in a single turn, gain 1Metallicize.The best defense is a good offense.
Poison RuneRareGreenApply 1Poison when dealing unblocked damage to an enemy.It resonates with my weapon.
Teeth NecklaceRareGreenAt the start of your turn, add Shivs to your hand up to the number of card rewards skipped.A parting gift.
Cosmic StarSpecialAt the start of each turn, gain [E] .It returns the power you bestow upon it.
Chromatic AnomolyBossBlueAt the start of your turn, Channel a random Orb.It spins, shifts, changes color and temperature.
Cultist's FeathersBossOnce per combat, when you play a Power,Attack and Skill on the same turn, gain 1Ritual.Ascend. Arise. Awaken.
Cursed DiceBossAt the start of your turn, roll a number between -2 and 3. Gain/lose that many [E] .Roll your fate.
Demonic TomeBossRedStart each combat with -1Dexterity. At the start of your turn, gain 1Strength.Forbidden Strength lies in this ancient book.
DiamondBossUpon pickup, Gain 450 GoldI can feel the Merchant watching me.
Hand GlaiveBossGreenWhen you gain at least 4Block, add a Shiv to your hand.They never see it coming.
Ring of SacrificeBossCharge0. On pickup, remove a card in your deck and gain Charge equal to its cost. Start each combat with [E] equal to Charge.Sacrifice requires blood.
WatermelonBossRaise your max HP by 26.It's gigantic!
Blue PaintShopYour future card rewards are Blue.Charged battery fluid.
Broken MirrorShopPlaying Powers have a 50% chance to go into your discard pile instead.Stare into the void and the void stares back at you with a thousand eyes.
ChopsticksShopPurpleWhen you exit Wrath, draw a card.I was just Hangry.
Empty StarShopAt the start of combat, add a Void to your draw pile unless a Boss has been defeated with this relic. Return this relic to the Merchant after defeating a Boss.This relic hungers for power, absorbing everything around it.
Green PaintShopYour future card rewards are Green.It's also poisonous.
Hook HandShopWhen applying Vulnerable to an enemy deal, Gain 1Strength this turn.Single-handedly the best.
Lizard on a StickShopWhen you draw a Burn, deal its damage times half of Burns in your deck plus drawn this combat. Combat rewards now include Burn.Not for eating. Definitely not for eating.
Merchant's LootboxShopUpon pickup, gain ???This one definitely has it.
Peg LegShopWhen applying Weak to an enemy deal, Gain 1Dexterity this turn.Your arm for my leg, how 'bout it?
PickaxeShopRedWhenever you play a Power, gain 2Metallicize and lose 1Dexterity.Unearth hidden power at a cost.
Purple PaintShopYour future card rewards are Purple.Crushed hopes and dreams.
Pyromancer's TinctureShopWhen obtained, brew 3 Fire Potions.It's hot to the touch.
Red PaintShopYour future card rewards are Red.The color of blood.
Ritual ConcoctionShopWhen obtained, brew 3 Cultist Potions.C... Caw Caw!
RumShopRemove ALL Dazed when resting at a RestSite and permanently gain Strength for each removed. Combat rewards now include Dazed.Yohoho and a bottle of...
SandwichShopUpon pickup, raise your max HP by half the number of cards in your deck.The more, the better!
Sharp NailsShopRemove ALL Wounds when Smithing at a RestSite and permanently gain 2PlatedArmor for each removed (only once). Combat rewards now include Wounds.Blurs the line between skin and armor.
Slimy AnchoviesShopPowers cost 0 to play. When you play a Power, add a Slimed with an equal original cost to your draw pile.Tasty but slimy.
Strange ForkShopAt the end of your turn, Non-Curse, non-Status Ethereal cards will have a 50% chance to go into the discard pile.Staring at this fork makes it do nothing.

One Hundred Relics keywords

ChargeCharges influence the power of Ring Relics' effects and are replenished at the start of each combat. Gaining Charges increases this maximum capacity.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest should use _ to replace spaces. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.
This is displayed in the tooltip.This is displayed in the tooltip. Note, spaces are not allowed in NAMES. For multi-word keywords, see the next one.